However, that doesn't mean that nothing's been happening! It has been a term made up of lots of conferences.

Julieanne and Kieley from Motueka South were introduced to Mathletics and the kids at Mot South have just taken part in World Maths Day. They had a fantastic time - you can read more about some of their experiences on their class blogs:
Room 9
Room 7
There were also many opportunities to hear about other peoples inquiry learning journeys, and we will be sharing some of the many ideas and resources we heard about with all our teachers as we work through our Discover Tasman project.
Of course, we have also just had TUANZ and iSchool, with 20 and 10 people respectively attending from our cluster. These two conferences are quite different in their structure. TUANZ had a fantastic keynote speaker from the USA, Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach. Her blog, 21st Century Collaborative, is well worth a look.
iSchool is truly a school, rather than conference, with totally hands-on learning. Workshops last a full day and cover one topic only. The presenters are top-notch and target learning in a school environment. If you are a Mac user and haven't yet attended an iSchool, make sure you get in early next year.
Our first lead teacher session this year focussed mainly on Atomic Learning. Our cluster has purchased a subscription to Atomic Learning, which is available to all teachers. Ask your lead teacher for more info about this and don't forget to try there first when you have an ICT problem. The videos are short (1 - 3 mins), high quality, and easy to understand. The best thing is that they have each topic broken up into such small chunks so you can choose to either work through them all at your own pace, or target a specific problem you are trying to solve. Don't forget to look at the 'Teacher2teacher' resources as well - you'll find many high-quality lesson plans which integrate ICT.
Last but not least, here's a few sites with ideas for fun Easter activities your class may enjoy:
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