Today's meeting started with another snippet from the New Zealand Curriculum Draft 2006 E-learning and pedagogy.
Using ICT, students can:
- enter and explore new learning environments, overcoming barriers of distance and time
- join or create communities of learners that extend well beyond the classroom
- experience customised learning that allows for individual, cultural, and developmental differences
- use a range of tools to save them time and allow them to take their learning further.
Planning is well underway for our end-0f-year Cluster PD Day. We have a number of volunteers to run workshops but are still looking for more. If you, or anyone else you can think of, would be willing to share your knowledge/skills with us, please let Kay know asap. You might have skills in a particular program, or have 2-3 good ideas for incorporating ICT into a learning area, or age group, or thinking skills, or .....
Consider sharing the load and working as a team - it would be great to bring students with you too!
Remember the ULearn Conference being held in Christchurch during the September holidays. The conference is based around 10 Key Questions, for Leaders and Learners.

For those not attending the conference, there are still many oportunities available for learning, contributing and sharing before, during and after the Conference:
Reading & Discussions
Media Presentations:
- blogs
- podcasts/vodcasts
- keynote and spolight videos
- 10 Key Questions wikis
- 10 Key Questions online discussions
- conference newsletter
(login with your ICTPD Online username/password or create one for yourself)
Bring Hollywood to your Classroom!
For access to thousands of video clips, go to These are great as starters, or perhaps you would like to upload your own videos for sharing.
To include a video in your blog, simply upload to youtube and either link from your blog, or imbed it in to your blog. Easy instructions are available on the site or contact me for more information.
Don't forget about - you can create a slideshow here for inclusion in your blog. See how Rachel from Mapua has used it.
For access to thousands of video clips, go to These are great as starters, or perhaps you would like to upload your own videos for sharing.
To include a video in your blog, simply upload to youtube and either link from your blog, or imbed it in to your blog. Easy instructions are available on the site or contact me for more information.
Don't forget about - you can create a slideshow here for inclusion in your blog. See how Rachel from Mapua has used it.
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