At a school PD session this afternoon, we talked about how our year has been affected by mother nature, and especially the effect on time spent on Professional Development. The work already done towards my personal goal of improving differation in my classes, using ICT, meant that my classes were less affected by disruptions than they might have been in the past. I have consequently kept up with my work on this goal, simply because it was making my life easier, and helping my students.
Obviously it has been easier for my more motivated students to keep up, as they can access course material, and contact me, without being at school. It has also been great for all the new students who are still arriving in my classes - many more than usual. They are generally able to work independently in classtime, and at home, to catch up - I keep an eye on them and keep giving feedback on submitted work, but seldom have extra preparation.
I'm sure I've said it before, but I really believe we must "Work Smarter, Not Harder".