We discussed the 'how-to' and 'why' of various social software applications, in particular Del.icio.us - social bookmarking.
What is del.icio.us?
del.icio.us is a collection of favorites - yours and everyone else's. Use del.icio.us to:
- Keep links to your favorite articles, blogs, music, restaurant reviews, and more on del.icio.us and access them from any computer on the web.
- Share favorites with friends, family, and colleagues.
- Discover new things. Everything on del.icio.us is someone's favorite - they've already done the work of finding it. Explore and enjoy.
Kay's favourite for the day: I love the way Brightwater School is using Blogs to build relationships with their parent community. The class blogs they started are not only an excellent writing exercise, but have had an unexpected spin-off. The children are enjoying getting feedback on their blog from parents, including parents who don't live with the children! What a great way for parents to keep in touch with what their children are doing, and offer encouragement and support. How easy it is to allocate the writing task to one or two students once a week - add a photo or two and Hey Presto! You can view the blogs from the Brightwater School home page: www.brightwater.school.nz